• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Productivity Hack: Sprints and Marathons

    Productivity Hack.  Should you do sprints or marathons?  The answer…BOTH. Huh? Yup…this is another example of how the balance of yin and yang are the foundation to so many areas of our lives.  Especially for those of you working towards a goal of being online entrepreneurs.  So what is this productivity hack?  Here ya go. When it comes to being effective, efficient and productive in pursuing your goals….the way to win is to combine sprints with marathon mentality. In this episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast, I get Tactical for Tuesday again and break it down how to do the combo.  You see many of us, (Eddie and myself included)…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Silent Voices

    Silent Voices…. Have you ever wanted to speak the truth, (your truth), from the heart….but fear what will follow? Silence screams the truth….and the truth of ‘fear’ can be overpowering. Many of us have done it….are doing it….or have just gotten through it. I began reading for the fifth or sixth time, “He-Motions: Even Strong Men Struggle“~~T.D. Jakes. The beginning of this book describes how many men have not been taught not to….or how many of us don’t know how to let out our screams. Now the point of this is this….. Are you frustrated, hurt, or in pain of some sort, but due to the way you’ve been brought…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    ET The Hip Hop Preacher Lit Me Up!!!

    ET The Hip Hop Preacher lit me up and literally dropped me to my knees emotionally and spiritually this morning.  I watched a recent video of his where his message of hope, motivation and inspiration became 1,000 times more intense. Now there are tons of life lessons and value in this short video.  ET speaks on breaking out of the cycles in life, about doing the things we hate to do to get to what we want to do and he speaks on disrespect. Now any one of these lessons would be a great featured topic for this episode of Inspire the Fire Fridays.  But that’s not what I’m going…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Feeling Thunderstruck!

    Welcome to this episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast on a Thursday.  A LOT of energy with this one today folks…cuz I’m feeling THUNDERSTRUCK!!!  And now I can’t get that AC/DC song out of my head for the next week lol. So here we go. You see a couple days ago my business partner Edward Aguilar shared a lesson from his time as a baseball coach this past weekend.  He was talking about how not trying to steal bases in a game are a reflection of fear, doubt and disbelief.  It was a great story and really drove home some great insights to mastering your mind. But as I listened…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Carrie Rose: Educating with Passion and Purpose!!!

    Carrie Rose is educating with passion and purpose!!! As I state in the intro for this episode folks, Eddie and I got to take it easy lol.  Carrie Rose was so fired up to share her unique value she took off with a blast right away. You will hear how her own deep emotional experiences with her own education inspired her entrepreneur path.  She takes her role as a leader in education for fellow online entrepreneurs very seriously.  Her mission is to help those who create online courses to provide the maximum impact and long term value to their clients.  She is shaking up the industry with her step by…

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    Invest In Others

    This episode isn’t meant to be fully of hype and power……but this is how my business partner Jason Legaard and I have come to Invest In Others. There are times when people shoot for our time…..and I’ve done the same towards others…..but the question is, “Have I offered any value myself to deserve even a short amount of their time?” Find out how Jason and I have been able to get high leaders such as Ray Higdon, Brenda Gagne, Justin Glover, Adam Holland, Diane Hochman…..and several other individuals to contribute to a product that we were creating. Not only did they contribute a personal quote….they attached their names to a…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Coaches And Players

    Coaches And Players A player’s outburst was something the coach chewed out the team for…..but behind the scenes, the coach was pleased by the outburst! You see, there are times where someone’s drive or self-awareness is set aside….. There is no competitive advantage…. There is no hunger for success….. The game of baseball was a way my dad taught me many lessons in life, which in turn has carried over for myself and my kids, through baseball and softball. A mentor and coach’s importance is to push their student or player….. Their importance is to challenge them and to teach ownership, as well as unity among a team And in this…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Inspire the Fire: Rediscover Yourself

    Rediscover and Remember: Did You Lose Yourself?! This process of rediscovery was lit up within me after a great time hanging out with a wonderful friend, Coach Kristi Kay.  We met up for dinner last night and part of the conversation turned to different energy styles and our unique identities. Next thing you know, I’m getting fired up as I realize I’d forgotten a huge part of my identity.  Parts that were as necessary to my life as the air I breathe.  But somehow, I had lost myself.  At least this very important and vital part of me. So listen in as I share some personal stories about my intensity…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Nurturing Dreams

    Nurturing Dreams is more than saying…..’You can do anything in the world that you want to do’! To nurture someone’s dream is to support them in all aspects….. In nurturing dreams, you feed the vision with action, positive affirmations, and the least liked aspect…..constructive criticism. You aid in pointing out and protecting individuals from toxic people…..even if that includes family I’ve become witness to the thrashing of one’s vision or dream I’ve become witness to the fact that one teaches a lesson in a way that belittles the other’s being To say you support someone, yet everything you do opposes the statement…..you can end up with a shattered soul if…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Vince Reed: The Pursuit of Mastery

    Vince Reed ain’t playing around folks. He’s on a quest for mastery. Vince Reed is in full on beast mode these days.  Not to say he wasn’t putting in consistent work before in his business, health and spirituality. But after hanging out with and seeing him present at a recent internet marketing event by our mutual friend Mark Hoverson…I noticed something different.  Vince was literally vibrating with intensity, energy and flow state like I’d never seen in the past.  Obviously, he was pushing himself to another level. So how is he doing this on a daily basis?  Things like reading 2 to 3 hours a day.  Green juicing in the…