• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Rocking a Recap: Top Takeaways

    Well folks… Eddie and I doing something a little different here with our normal Wednesday episode.  We’ve decided to do a Rocking Recap! We wanted to sit down and go back over the last 5 interview episodes that we had with our amazing guests and share our top takeaways.  Because hey… maybe you didn’t get the chance to dive into every single one of theses interviews on the first go round. Well now you’ve got your chance. As you’ll find out in this episode, the top takeaway was patience.  But not just that, patience combined with passionate and consistent actions in order to achieve the goal. Whether that be the…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Prioritizing Self

    Prioritizing Self–You’re No Good To Others If You Haven’t Been Good To Yourself! Is there any truth to this title above? Is this straight out selfishness? To be honest, it’s all about the context in which you choose to read it, verbalize it, and most important, in how you live it!! In prioritizing self, you are filling your own personal tank. For without having anything in your tank, the value and services for others will become minimal and insignificant as time passes. In this episode I share how my children had to take a back seat to my own needs. You’ll hear how the perspective of this podcast had taken…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    “You Are Who You Repeatedly Think You Are”~~Jim Steg

    “You Are Who You Repeatedly Think You Are”~~Jim Steg Some people have it all, right?! The right careers or business. The beautiful family. The portrayal of the ‘perfect life’. But there are the truths that lie behind the doors of one’s life which many forget to consider when judging from the outside. Jim Steg of Steg Custom Homes in AZ is an amazing story teller as he shares his experiences with our audience, before sharing his “Four Pillars”  which guide his daily actions. From being the adventurous soul through Ironmans, Triathlons, Bull Riding, to his internal/external journey of completing Sealfits Kokoro…..Jim shares a period of his life in which something inside…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Exhaustion of Inspiration

    Exhausted… do you know that feeling?  Where you know for a fact that you put all you could into something, to give your all through the process of creation. The exhaustion of inspiration. Well during this past couple of days, I was feeling wiped out in the best of ways.  Having put all of my blood, sweat and tears into creating a brand new training course for those online and network marketers who wanted to leverage live videos in their business. I knew there were a ton of folks who were seeking that knowledge and knew that I had to do my part to help.  But boy oh boy… the…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Scripting Life

    Scripting Life What script are you reading from and implementing in your day to day life? That written during your childhood by your parents, family, or society’s expectations? Or are there times where you feel that you are playing perfectly your written role, but the role you are living out was never meant for you as there is something missing in life? The beauty of this podcast is that many of our guests have made major shifts in their lives due to filling the blank pages of their books with a more appropriate role for them in creating their own masterpieces! From our last episode with Erik Shellenberger who was…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Don’t Be The Commercial–Erik Shellenberger

    “Don’t Be The Commercial–Be The Show”~~ Erik Shellenberger With the 2017 Super Bowl around the corner, Erik shows us how he doesn’t want tickets to the ‘big game’! He doesn’t want to sit on the sidelines! Erik shows us how there is nothing wrong with having the desire to step onto the field and have a hand in creating an ‘outcome’ in the game! In describing himself as an average guy making average moves, it was time for him to Own His Shit and to quit running at the first signs of failure as he had done time and time again! It was time for this man to grow in all…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast


     Photo Credit: HuffingtonPost.com Sheltered! How many of us are hiding within? Hiding in a bottle of pills, alcohol, or unhealthy habits? Or simply hiding in our homes away from the world? The truth is many of us have gone through this or are going through this and once we recognize it, that alone may bring some light to our lives. There are others who know our struggles. More important, there are many who have brought themselves out of the darkness, meaning there are individuals who can help. Before relying on others, there are some simple and easy steps you can take on your own to get the ball rolling towards…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Maintaining Values With The Unstoppable Momma

    Maintaining Values: The Unstoppable Momma…..Rhonda Swan “Our bank accounts don’t define us as leaders”~~Rhonda Swan Taking chances…… Defying the norm….. Value driven….. Standing for your purpose based upon a solid foundation….. These are a few things that define our amazing guest Rhonda Swan and her husband Brian…..together known as The Unstoppable Family! Choosing not to allow daycare to raise her beautiful daughter so she could work a corporate job, Rhonda’s drive and determination is still to figure it out, all the while maintaining values!! Having left the norms of life to travel the world for an expected 2 years……the Swans have yet to return to the States, as the world…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast


    Perspective How we see events have a great deal to do with our perspectives. How about the glass is half full/half empty scenario? Or there is the story of the father, the four sons, and a peach tree in which he sends each son to the tree individually, experiencing it’s state based upon one season? A significant part of how it is we are seeing our lives is based upon many things in life, but let’s just touch on a few things here. Your feelings and emotions may be highly influenced by a past event Your feelings and emotions can be highly influenced by your conditioning in growing up or what…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Creating Buzz with Patty Dominguez

    Creating Buzz with Patty Dominguez!! You’re on the path you were meant to follow which includes college, corporate job, family, etc……but you find yourself in overwhelm and unfulfilled in life, what do you do? Our energetic and passionate guest shares with us her journey to a life of fulfillment. Patty Dominguez left the corporate world after working with companies such as Hormel, McDonald’s, Kraft Foods, and Chipotle….to name a few. Having left the corporate world to take the path of an entrepreneur hadn’t been easy for her, but the rewards have been beyond expectations. After having attended a networking event, Patty was hit with four words that have impacted her since…