Black Friday
How blessed and thankful are you……for ‘Black Friday’?? Lol….this is a day which follows a day of giving “THANKS”…… Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all about saving some money, but where has it become more important to save money, that we’re more willing to give time and energy to such a day, when we put less value on our own lives In this episode, I don’t fully talk about Black Friday….. I talk about Moments …. Firsts…. Embracing Change…. And not only being ‘thankful’ for life, on the days we mark on the calendar as of importance, such as Christmas, Veteran’s Day, Valentines Day, etc…. So for those of…
Vain …..Or Ulterior Motives?
Am I VAIN? Or do I have ulterior motives? In this episode, hear how the pics I post of my workout journey on Facebook and Instagram are far from being VAIN…… Actually, I force myself to do so, for various reasons….I hate to have my picture taken, actually. On here, my daughter verifies that, lol And last Friday, the answer to my actions became clearer to me in why I am doing so, as one of my ‘best friends’ was ‘DEAD’…….for a minimum of four minutes! His heart stopped. Now why do I do this…. You, nor I want to invest our time or money into someone we know…
The Power Of Silence
Though “words” have an impact……”silence” can echo an eternity. At times we tend to say too much, or we spend more time trying to find words to express our emotions……when the ‘power of silence’ speaks volumes. I find myself falling into the habit of using big words, or trying to find many words to share in a podcast, the copy of post, or even to define the meaning of an Instagram post….. When all that is needed……is SILENCE So need I say more….or write more? How about I just let you listen in on my thoughts of such a powerful expression we should use more often? Enjoy….. ~~Eddie http://traffic.libsyn.com/mindsetmountain/56_The_Power_Of_Silence.mp3Podcast: Play…
Networking: Start Cruising, Stop Snoozing and Losing
How many times have you heard that word…networking. I’m sure you’ve also heard many times it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. (I truly believe it’s both and that’s how you gain the ultimate balance. Just saying.) Well in this on the fly episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast I share why I invested my time to go “cruising” up to Scottsdale, AZ this weekend to attend a mixer after the 2015 Fast Start Summit put on by Greg Gomez III. How you can make sure you don’t snooze and lose out on laughs, building business relationships and possible life long friends. Enjoy this road trip version of…
Overcoming Odds
Yes, this is the team that was a lil ‘too stupid to know any better’….. (NOT REALLY),Ha Ha……actually we were a group of young men who chose to not give up, overcoming the odds A team who chose to believe in something greater than ourselves A team who was comprised of some young men who had their asses handed to them in prior years, and chose to flip the switch. And this pic, which I’ve shared before is a pic of Atlanta, ID….a small town on the verge of becoming a town hit hard by a catastrophic wildfire. The crew I had become part of chose to not listen to…
Backing Off and Breaking it Down
The BIG 50! Yup..that’s right we’ve hit our 50th episode here with The Mindset Mountain Podcast! So Eddie and I wanted to take some time with this 50th episode to back off a bit and break it down. Break it down? Break down what? Well let me tell ya. As we hit this 50th episode, we wanted to share with you some of the backstory, the reasons why and how we created not only this podcast…but also our first personal development training product: Climbing the Mindset Mountain. We also wanted to share with you information on how to gain more personalized access to both of us as well as a…
Through Darkness….To Power
There is a time when we need to break through the darkness…..to enter our ‘POWER’! Is it Frightening? Hell Ya….. Is it Scary? You know it….. What is the reason or reward to face that which we fear or that which has caused so much pain or discomfort in our lives? How bout this? You Own Your Shit…..You Own Your Life! You are now not owned by that which has held you hostage for some time…..this is called a past for a reason. Today is a day for redemption…… Tomorrow can be written according to the script you place before yourself. Mike Dillard said enough’s enough! It’s time I speak on…
Courage….On The Mindset Mtn Podcast
Courage surrounds us….. Courage lies within us….. When we choose to make a change in our lives that will bring about a true happiness, we usually have to step outside of ourselves and who we are, to do so. Courage in a transformation isn’t the end result of a journey…..courage is making the decision to create the change when everything seems to tell you there is no point in doing so. Most important, courage lies within…..the downside is, it’s adversary lies within as well. It’s time to rise up and find the strength within, to conquer the external and internal battles which are prohibiting you from going out and getting…
I got this…..I’m Committed! I’m going to start working out 5 days a week….. I’m going to start eating healthier…. I’m going to join this workout program with my girlfriend/boyfriend because it’ll make them happy…..plus I’ll benefit from it…. I GIVE YOU MY WORD….. Etc. Etc. Etc. Have you ever been around individuals like this? You hear these promises, or talk of what is going to change, but this pic shows exactly what is going on…… Well, at times it needs to be like bullets from a gun…. Once they commit……They should commit! Then again, is it you that is not committing? Well, hear how this may frustrate the hell…
Season –Reason, Season, Lifetime
Reason, Season, or Lifetime People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this…