• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Embracing Your Weakness To Build Strength

      Embracing your weakness… seems pretty backwards right? Why would you ever want to embrace your weakness?  It’s all about building up your strength right?  Well in this solo shot episode I share a unique perspective I just applied in 2 key areas of my life where becoming closed friends with my weakness will give me power. You see I discovered that by continuing to fight extremely hard against these mindsets that were not my strength… I was beating myself down even further.  By not recognizing the weakness and pivoting with it… I was repeating a process of continuous failure. But as I thought about it the other evening, it…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Reflecting What We’re Experiencing

    “My job isn’t to make others and myself comfortable. My job is to use language which reflects most accurately what we’re experiencing.”~~Brene’ Brown The above quote came to me at a perfect time as I’ve battled how to speak. In my book which is based upon the effects of suicide, overcoming a loss to suicide, or seeking closure after such an incident, I’ve battled how to share my thoughts and views. Do I speak and write how I know I’d like to be spoken to or have spoken to others who are battling whether or not to close the book on their lives? Or do I speak to sugar coat…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Stop F*cking Hiding!!!

    So hey… I’m back with the very first solo shot episode since Eddie and I relaunched the podcast.  I recorded this episode this morning of August 16, 2017 while sitting in my car on the side of the road. But I didn’t want to speak the words that were rattling around my head and heart. All I wanted to to do was rely on my J-Boom energy, speak out some inspired fire phrases or maybe quote one of my favorite personal development mentors. And the reason I wanted to do all of that… is so that I could hide my shame.  I wanted to keep cowering behind my mask of…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Climbing Once Again: Rebirth!

    If It’s Important Enough….You Will Come Back To It, Or It Will Come Back To You: REBIRTH!! In this episode you will find out a little about the break we’ve taken with the “Mindset Mountain Podcast”!! There are times in life in which we take a step back. One decides to pay attention to the emphasis one puts on what they say is important to them, and one’s actions or lack of will provide the answer. There was a point in time which we lost control of our schedules and this podcast lacked the importance in our days. It wasn’t that we lost interest….it was we had our own issues…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Heeding the Call at 3 a.m. with Edward Aguilar

    Heeding the Call at 3 a.m. with Edward Aguilar 3 a.m. in the morning… sometimes even 2 a.m. Those are the pitch black hours of the mornings that have been calling for Edward Aguilar… and he’s been listening. In this recent interview, I sat down with my co-host Eddie Aguilar to ask him some pressing questions on his current focus in life… his book. As you’ll discover in this interview, this is no ordinary book project.  It is something that I feel in many ways has both been a mission for Eddie… as well as a responsibility due to his unique gifts and talents. I say unique because the topic…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Dictating What You Deserve with Adam Kraai

    Are you dictating what you deserve in life?  Or are you simply settling for a system that’s been broken for years?  Well our latest powerful guest Adam Kraai is creating a legacy of security, success and financial freedom for his clients. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Adam Kraai face to face at a kick ass marketing event last year called Meltdown in the Desert.  On the night of the meet and greet, I had the chance to chat it up with Adam about life, success and personal growth. I was immediately impressed.  And so was my business partner Eddie Aguilar after connecting with him through social media. Since…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Mindset Mountain’s Top Podcasts

    Mindset Mountain’s Top Podcasts What do podcasts do podcasters listen to? In this episode, Jason and Eddie decide to share their top influential podcasts which inspire them in their personal journeys and those who’ve had major impacts on their lives. Jason shares how The Aubrey Marcus Podcast has influenced him and one of his most impacting episodes….. AMP Episode 51 Not only does Jason share the ideas and thoughts of Aubrey Marcus, he vibes with Aubrey’s partner Joe Rogan in the Joe Rogan Experience. Jason shares with us how Rogan’s interview with the very outspoken Gary Vaynerchuck brought tons of nuggets in Episode #910 And before we get to Jason’s third…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Allowing Light Into Your Darkness

    Allowing Light Into Your Darkness! When we are fully engulfed in the darkness of the still shots which we call our life, we tend to miss some of the obvious. Our attention goes towards our focus, and natural selection of our focus goes towards the negative. You were let go from your job, but you hated your job anyways! You’re relationship has come to an end, but you know damn well your relationship was toxic! What you see as a dark time may be the exact moment a spark had created a single flame to light your way towards the direction you were meant to heads towards. What you may…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Moments Of Now Creating Moments Of Next

    Moments Of Now Creating Moments Of Next! These above words hit hard with me as this is something that I’ve recognized with myself a long time ago, as well as something that is more common than we realize. Too many of us are disconnected from today and worried about tomorrow, but when tomorrow arrives, we aren’t present in the present. As our guest Jarred Smith shares his story, he shares an important message: “We can choose who to be!”. Simple, right? If so, then why is it we don’t become who we want to be? Jarred teaches us that we can stray from the popular of your community to follow…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Your Perfect Journey: Why Do You Have To Explain It?

    Coincidence or divine timing?  Happy accident or fate? There are a variety of moments in our lives where it seems things match up so perfectly that it freaks us out as well as lighting our souls on fire. And it always seems our instinct is to lay it all at the hands of “oh it’s just a coincidence” that happened.  We seemingly don’t wish to entertain the thought that it happened for a reason or was lined up for our benefit. In this solo shot episode I share some examples from my own life as well as something that happened to a friend just this weekend to break down the…