• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Permission To Unleash: Sean Whalen

    Permission To Unleash: Sean Whalen Have you ever found yourself wanting to speak up for what you truly believe in? Have you ever found yourself wishing you had more courage to let your true feelings out, whether it be sadness, joy, or even when you feel a little pissed off? But the backlash can be brutal, right? People might get to know the person you truly are when nobody is around, and this scares you because you have an image to uphold for whatever reason…..right? Well, Sean Whalen shares how we need to give ourselves the “permission to unleash”!! The man you see above is not just some man who…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Simple Truths

    Simple Truths With all that has transpired this past week with the officers taking the lives of two black men, as well as what had become some backlash from this taking place in Dallas…..let’s say this world, especially the U.S. has sensed a great deal of tension. The truth is there are shitty people of all races….. There are horrible individuals that are both male and female….. There are certain organizations which contain a few bad seeds…… The simple truth the chaos seen has begun dividing certain individuals, based upon what is being fed to us on the outside. As I’ve personally experienced, there are always two sides, if not…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Give Yourself A Chance!

    Give Yourself A Chance! Take Chances! There’s not a lot I need to write in this particular blog post for this episode.  After recording it, I realized it’s in the listening to the intensity, passion, frustration and even a bit of anger in my voice that will serve you much better today. It’s an Inspire the Fire Friday episode, and this one came as a results of our very first customer Kimberly sharing a strong and simple statement in one of her recent videos on her #7dfbvc. (7 day Facebook video challenge. Check out the hashtag and see what it’s all about.) She spoke out and spoke up asking the…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Fueling Your Why: Justin St.Pierre

    Fueling Your Why: Justin St. Pierre Some call them “bombshells”….. Those moments in life when our realities were just crushed by an event or incident, causing us major pain and influencing us to take steps to escape until we hopefully wake from the nightmare which has just occurred. We lose ourselves in destructive behavior Violence Lack of concern for others Drugs Alcohol Meaningless relationships And the list goes on and on. In this episode listen in to how Justin found his world turned upside down from a tragic loss, causing him to lose himself to a crutch and the excuses which took him away from who he was. There is no…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast


    Independence Happy Fourth Of July, for those of you in the states! Through the barbecues, fireworks, and festivities…..what does this day represent to you? And how can we apply to our personal lives what this day represents? This past week, myself and Jason participated in Danny Page’s “7 Day Facebook Video Challenge”……. A challenge where we expose our truths…..and by that, I mean the unedited versions of ourselves. The lies we tell ourselves as well as the lies we tell others end up constricting us. They hinder us from the freedoms of who we really are as individuals. They keep us from being individuals with faults and not allowing ourselves…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Chances: You Never Know!

    Chances: You Never Know! There are times in life where we come to the crossroads where action needs to be taken. There are times in our lives where all the study and preparation is great and all…..but it is all for not if there is no action to be taken. Chances: reaching out to a man about helping him with his event by having him as a guest on our podcast….. Chances: interviewing three of the four speakers to be taking stage at a first time event…. Chances: meeting many individuals from various backgrounds that are all in search of the same thing…. “Meltdown In The Desert” brought many individuals together for…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Your Best Friend Is Weeping…

    Today I wanted to share with you a story.  A story of your best friend. I want you to make sure and understand that you’ve had this best friend since the very day you arrived on this earth.  And this best friend has never left your side. They’ve been through it with you every step of the way.  The ups and downs, the pain and the power.  All of it. Today I want to share a story with you about that best friend. And the fact that too many times they have sat next to you with their head in their hands weeping for you. I hope that today’s message…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast


    DECISIONS! There are times where the decisions we make will not be known as either right or wrong…..until the story has been written. Lebron James is a prime example of just that…… We fear criticism….. We fear judgement….. We fear the other side of the fence and it’s greener grass….. We fear that the decisions we make may have been the wrong one’s, but we forget who and what the process is going to create. Lebron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers has just signified his decision to go back to his home team in attempt to win an NBA Championship…..and had he never pulled it off, it would have been…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Light And Shadows

    Light And Shadows In the above pic, whether in the shadows or in the light….you’re still on the mountain. Too many times we fail to lose sight of where we really are in life. We’re making the climb towards a destination, and even though we’re making progress we put focus on whether the light is shining upon us rather than any progress that has been made. Along our paths, remember that the journey is ‘our own personal journey’. Though we might be on the same trails, there is something that each of us is attempting to conquer that is unique to us, and only us. There will be filters and…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    State of the Mountain Address

      That image above you see of course was our first logo for The Mindset Mountain Podcast.  But over time, we realized we needed to pivot, to change or reframe our vision for that logo.  Eddie and I had to make adjustments and changes in order to grow as a show as well as personal development leaders. That’s why today with this Wednesday episode we decided to sit down with you and share a sort of “state of the mountain address” discussing a few updates and improvements with the podcast, our products and services..hell even ourselves! You will hear us touch up on the following:  How we must at times…