• Personal Development

    Gimme 5! #2 Breathing and Meditation

    Gimme 5! #2 Breathing & Meditation In this 2nd video in a five part series, I dive into the immense power/focus that deep breathing and meditation can bring you. And don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to run to the top of the mountains in Tibet or join some woo woo new age cult. Nope. Just wake up in the morning, set a timer for 5 minutes, deep breath and let your mind wander. You’ll be stunned how just these few short minutes of focused attention on your breath and thoughts can ramp up your focus and personal development progress. A great resource to dive deeper into breathing…

  • Personal Development

    Gimme 5! The Power of Journaling in 5 Minutes.

    Power Up with Pen, Paper and Just 5 Minutes! In this first video in a five part series, I share the #1 fast track mindset hack in order to immediately begin boosting your personal power, confidence and self worth. Check out this quick video on how to use only 5 minutes per day to maximize the impact and results from your journaling efforts. Plus make sure you take advantage of your opportunity to book your own FREE 15 minute one on one coaching call. Simply send your request by email to jboom@mindsetmtn.com Gratitude to you for investing the time in yourself to check out this or any of our Mindset…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast


    Quotas! Well, now that Thanksgiving is over and so many of us are “thankful” for our families, friends, and whatever else we post on social media….how many of us are truly grateful and appreciative on a daily basis? You know….flowers, chocolates, a card, and dinner on Valentine’s Day! Support the Veterans and troops on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day! Or showing up to church one day out of the year for Christmas! If this sounds familiar, how do we change this attitude of meeting a “quota” of thanks for days like yesterday, gifts to show our love on a certain day in February, as well as thanking a Veteran or…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Stepping Into Your Strength!

    Stepping Into Your Strength! Or as my partner says…..Walking Into Your Wheelhouse!! You see, we are all gifted with something that separates us from many. This gift at times is brought about in a ways we would never want to learn as much as we know. Personally, I have overcome a moment in life as I sat in my bedroom as a grown man and father to two children…..tears, fear and hopelessness filled my heart as I sat on my bed with a Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 gauge inserted into my mouth as my finger began pulling on the trigger. On top of this, I have dealt with over 15…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Guilt, Gratitude & Facebook Memories

    Managing guilt… boy oh boy has this been my wheelhouse for decades. In today’s late breaking Monday Madness episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast, I share how the Facebook memories video below triggered a range of emotions. You see during the holiday season, especially Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve… we all tend to reflect back on what might have been. Or in my mind, what SHOULD HAVE BEEN! ARGH! I’m sure most of you listening reading this fully understand the ugly gut wrenching pain of trying to do your best at managing guilt over dreams not fulfilled. I got to face that type of situation down front and center…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Demanding Of Others

    Demanding Of Others! All of the inspiration of this goes to Eric Thomas, otherwise known as E.T. The HipHop Preacher! The question is how demanding of others are we, rather than hold the expectations or demands of ourselves? Don’t You Dare Fail Me! Don’t You Dare Let Me Down! My Expectations Of You Are High, So Don’t Lose My Respect! Does any of this sound familiar? Your Success Is Dependent Upon You And Your Actions Hold Your Self Respect At A Higher Level Than That Which You Hold On Others Critique And Dissect Your Life And Actions, Rather Than Continuously Critiquing Others Show Others How It Is Done, Rather Than…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Sensitive….Or Simply Butthurt?

    Sensitive….Or Simply Butthurt? Now….Now! Have we decided to make fun of those who may be overly sensitive? Listen….we get it! We understand sensitive, and even being a lil butthurt about events or scenarios in life……but when and how does it end? When will those around move forward with their goals and dreams as they begin to create the life they’re meant to live for the betterment of themselves and others as they begin to exclude you from their lives because of your always being overly sensitive? This isn’t an episode to make fun of the sensitive, because we all have certain aspects of life that are sensitive to each of…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Why We All Want To Be Conor McGregor.

    Conor McGregor.  We all want to be him… even when we don’t. Yup that’s right.  All of us want to be just like Conor McGregor even when we hate him. As I watched UFC 205 at Madison Square Garden in NYC this past weekend, it struck me solid in my jaw like a Conor over hand left.  Conor McGregor has what we all want.  And believe me it’s hard for me to admit that as I’ve never been a fan of him.  Ever. In fact, pretty much everything he does annoys the shit out of me.  The swagger walk as he enters the ring like in the photo above.  The…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    A Salute To Veterans!

    A Salute To Veterans! With all the chaos in today’s world, will we lose sight in what today stands for? Our country seems to be divided…. Anger and hatred rears it’s ugly head as this nation seems to be divided. Across the world there are those who still have no choice to sit and pout. They stand watch for the greater good. They are soldiers representing this country of The United States, as well as to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. It is the soldier who is willing to sacrifice their life for those to burn the flag which blankets their lives with security! It is the…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Are You Fooling Yourself?

    Are You Fooling Yourself…..In Attempts To Fool Others? Yes, this one was a tough one as Jason and myself shared our personal experiences on this topic. In fooling yourself that you may know more than you actually know…. In fooling yourself that you are dialed in on all aspects of your life as you attempt to help others, you may be actually hurting them rather than helping them, even though your intentions were meant for good. Now we’re not taking away from good intentions….. Jason and I have recently lived this…..and have discussed this with mentors and a couple individuals we look up to. Know what you know…. Share what you are…