• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    George Bell: The Philadelphia Samurai…Side Kicking For Success!!!

    George Bell: The Philadelphia Samurai…Side Kicking For Success!!! The samurai warriors were known to constantly strive for balance.  They mastered both the art of swordsmanship as well as flower arranging.  George Bell continuously strives for a similar balance. Whether it be his passion for jazz music, high level fitness, creating his own athletic apparel, dominating as an Olympic Taekwondo champion or enjoying family and friends….George Bell lives his life at an extreme level of true success. Get ready as Eddie and I enjoy some cool grooves, laughter and high kick our way to the top of another episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast! If you are looking to learn even…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Humbled by Gratitude

      Humbled by Gratitude… Giving you something a bit different today with what I decided to call a quick “Solo Shot.” As I was getting ready to leave for San Diego tomorrow, my sense of gratitude began ramping up to an intense level. So I figured hey…why not record what I was feeling in the raw and real world time frame on my phone and get it to you on our Mindset Mountain Podcast. I hope this message fills your hearts, moves your minds and inspires your fire!!! Boom!!! http://traffic.libsyn.com/mindsetmountain/07_Humbled_by_Gratitude.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Ryan Yokome: Bringing The Soul Back to Making Money, Miracles and Spiritual Success Swagger!

    Ryan Yokome: Bringing The Soul Back to Making Money, Miracles and Spiritual Success Swagger! Man..the enthusiasm got way out of control on this episode folks.  I had the pleasure of hanging out with a fantastic friend and one kick ass entrepreneur in Ryan Yokome. As we chat about during the interview, it seemed we both tapped back into a crazy level of energy source we had chilling out in San Diego.  You can literally feel our gratitude grins bursting through your headphones I think lol. So get ready to dive deep into the soul of making money, creating your own breakthrough miracles and getting some spiritual swagger in your lifestyle.…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast,  Personal Development

    Podcast Possibilities

    A hike I’ve done many times over and have done for time (stopwatch) to challenge myself and even my kids, has now become a hike here in Flagstaff, AZ which has become the setting of personal development product……. And has now transitioned to the base of our new podcast….. The Mindset Mountain Podcast   (click and subscribe) Opportunities are everywhere if we choose to see them Opportunities for a blog post…… A video….. A book….. And now the podcast possibilities have risen from a simple hike on a hot summer’s day! CLIMBING THE MINDSET MOUNTAIN Our product above has already spread across the globe, as Jason and myself like to say…..…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    MMP 001: So what’s up on the mountain?

    Welcome to The Mindset Mountain Podcast! Eddie and I wanted to just sit down and chit chat a bit about what this podcast will be all about moving forward.  We will be sharing tons of raw and real insights from our journey as we constantly strive to create a winning attitude/mindset. We will be also be featuring tons of inspiring interviews with various top leaders in the areas of online entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, personal development and fitness and nutrition.  Eddie and I are looking to seek the wisdom from all types of folks in order to help you, the listener…kick a$$ and take names on your goals and dreams. So…

  • Personal Development

    Getting Into The Game

    Getting Into The Game Have you ever found yourself with that nagging feeling inside of wishing you could just get into the game? What game, you may be asking? How about the games of life….. Relationships? Health and Fitness? Starting your own business? Requesting a raise? Travel? And the list goes on and on with the wants and needs in your life. I first read in a book written by Jack Canfield about two pains which many of us encounter…..but one usually will override the other as life continues on in this world…. The Pain of Regret vs The Pain of Discipline….. If tomorrow were to be your last day in this amazing world,…

  • Uncategorized

    Fight Fire With Fire!

    “Fight fire…..with fire”, not only was a motto to become aggressive with someone or an event….. This was a motto which proved true to the tactics and procedures in suppressing wildfires as a ‘Hotshot Crew’ Snot drips down the upper lip, as the watery eyes attempt to shield itself from the thickness of the smoke…..and ash falls upon the filters  of eyelashes A breath is inhaled through the nose to filter the heavy smoke, as the body attempts to intake as much available oxygen which resides in the surrounding air Helicopters are pounding the fires edge to attempt to slow the progression of the fire’s head as homes and livelihoods…