• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Hearing It Again For The First Time.

    Generosity… Wednesday evening I was humbled by it’s display. You see the other evening I met up with a new friend by the name of Danny Page.  A lot of you have heard him reveal his amazing transformative story on our podcast. (If you have not had the chance to listen yet, invest the time to do so here.) http://mindsetmtn.com/2016/05/31/existence-danny-page/ So we were set to meet up for some coffee at a spot up in Scottsdale.  As I drove up Scottsdale Road from Tempe, I didn’t really think anything of it.  I figured we would joke a bit, shoot the shit and maybe do some biz brainstorms. Well… something else…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Let The Tiger Out Of It’s Cage!

    Let the beast free folks! That’s the lesson I wanted to share with all of you today on this episode of Inspire the Fire Friday.  This past week has been one helluva ride for me emotionally and spiritually. So what caused all of this perfect storm of personal development for me?  Well it began with Eddie and I sitting down and recording our interview with Danny Page.  And during that interview, I was broken down to my very core.  If you have not listened to his episode yet, you can go to mindsetmtn.com/dannypage. I was busted up and broken down because I was allowed to heal myself in a whole…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Struck Down By Our Own Caution

      Struck Down By Our Own Caution “So many of us think ourselves into smallness, into inferiority, by thinking downward. We are held back by too much caution. We are timid about venturing. We are not bold enough. And so we die before we reach middle age, although we will not be lowered into the ground until we pass three score and ten.”~~ Og Mandino: “The Choice” Living by caution allows us to be safe…..or does it really? Sometimes you just have to ‘jump’!! Safety is not living in fear Security is not hiding in darkness as our cautions keep us from spreading our wings A cautious lifestyle does not…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Out Of The Ashes Of Existence: Danny Page

    Out Of The Ashes Of Existence: Danny Page   No Outlets.,…False Successes….God’s Letdown….Lazy….Compulsive….Lies….Self-Centered….Rage….And the list goes on and on, right?! You see, there are times in our lives where the above words hit us where it hurts. They hit us when we choose to tell ourselves the lies that “we are perfect and in control”, as we hide from our truths. It is then we find ourselves living a ‘life of existence’. We hide and turn from the mirrors, eventually becoming that child that hides in the dark closet with our security blanket, waiting to be saved from an unknown light!     When we choose to release the ‘power’ we falsely…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Listen Openly, Respond Truthfully

    Speak your truth.  That seems like such a simple and straight forward statement. Easy to do right?  Well…not usually lol. I wanted to share with you on this episode of Tactical Tuesday the success strategies of listening openly and responding truthfully.  For it is in these raw and real actions that freedom is achieved. You will hear me describe how I was put in a position just yesterday to apply this tactic for myself in a very intense way.  Eddie Aguilar and myself were interviewing our new amazing friend Danny Page.  Towards the end of the interview, something happened. I had certainly been listening openly, but all of a sudden…