Act Now
Act Now! As we head into the new year, don’t choose to continue to live life by the calendar. By that I mean, quit waiting for the new week, month, or year to decide to take action. You want to begin working out…..act now! You want to ask a special someone out on a date or for coffee….act now! You want to start your own business…..act now! To become a “new you”, you need to implement unfamiliar actions in your life to get different results than what you’ve been receiving and are unhappy with. The time isn’t tomorrow or next week….the time is now for you to take action in…
Now It Makes Sense
Now It Makes Sense “That’s what heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterdays” Mitch Albom As I came across that quote, I really felt it hit the mark when it comes to my recent journey of re-construction. Making sense of my yesterdays has allowed me the peace and freedom and power of choice in now living a life with fresh perspective. In this brand new solo shot episode of our Mindset Mountain Podcast, I share with you my recent path of staring down my inner darkness. Going head to head with pieces of my past that have baffled and crippled me for years. I can honestly say…
Your Unknown Leadership
Leadership. What type is buried within you? That is the topic of today’s Inspire the Fire Friday episode. In this episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast, I share a story from my high school years. I was a young buck of only 16 or 17 years old (hard to remember exactly, memory fading these days lol). It was a situation where I was thrust into an unexpected leadership role in a crisis. Listen in as I share a story of coming upon a very difficult situation, a highway accident, and how I was able to become an instant leader in that crisis. I share this story to illustrate the point…
You Gotta Recharge!
Recharge. It’s a necessity when it comes to your mastery of mindset and definitely with your personal growth. You just can’t keep running the battery down to nothing and then not refill it. That is exactly what I went through just this week. As some of you who listen to our show heard on last Friday’s episode of Inspire the Fire (Conversations Cure Crisis) I had some major and intense breakthroughs in my journey. I was able to release, unleash and dump a WHOLE LOTTA B.S.! And that felt incredibly liberating. But… that was tons of energy being released out of me. Little did I know that by even releasing…
Invest In Others
This episode isn’t meant to be fully of hype and power……but this is how my business partner Jason Legaard and I have come to Invest In Others. There are times when people shoot for our time…..and I’ve done the same towards others…..but the question is, “Have I offered any value myself to deserve even a short amount of their time?” Find out how Jason and I have been able to get high leaders such as Ray Higdon, Brenda Gagne, Justin Glover, Adam Holland, Diane Hochman…..and several other individuals to contribute to a product that we were creating. Not only did they contribute a personal quote….they attached their names to a…
How to master your emotions….man…isn’t that one of the toughest challenges we can face on our journey? And that is why I wanted to share a very personal message in regards to this challenge on a Tactical Tuesday episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast. Listen in as I break down how to transfer your energy, focus and actions from emotions to motion to mastery. Is it a fairly simple process? Yes. Is it easy? Rarely. And that is why I pushed through my emotions of fear on speaking on this topic today so as to help serve you the listener with a tactical step by step approach to this…
Convince Me!
CONVINCE ME!! Now….Now….before you get all riled up based upon the image….. I agree, you’re not going to throw money at everything without doing some investigating or research But for some…..it’s a never ending demand from individuals who want convincing….even when all questions are answered to one’s liking Then contemplation occurs…..even when there’s a money back guarantee, lol! Well, I recently saw someone telling a leader….someone who has a huge following and proof of major results in helping others…..still, one person suggests this leader convince a $95/mnth worthy of this person’s money. If someone is not for you…..they are not for you!! It’s that ‘CUT AND DRY’!! Sean Whalen may be…
Michael V. Moore Helps You Release the Beast in 2016!
Give a big welcome to Michael Moore as he joins The Mindset Mountain Podcast… NOT THAT Michael Moore. But this Michael Moore Lol…I had to use this intro from our new friend Michael V. Moore’s blog to intro him on this blog post cuz it totally cracked me up. Eddie and I were stoked to have Michael join the show this first week of January 2016 to help you release the beast. Most everyone (Eddie and I included) are looking to step up our results in health and fitness in 2016. And with Michael V. Moore creating a book on how the mindset must come first to set the foundation for…
Diane Hochman: Building Your Business with No B.S.
I gotta say..I think this pic above gives you a great peek inside the signature style of success that our guest Diane Hochman brings to the world. She is always doing EXACTLY what she wants when it comes to working her business or soaking in crazy adventures around the world. Diane creates the lifestyle SHE wants…and by her rules. Pretty badass huh? Well here’s a bit more about her badassery lol. (yeah that’s a word) Diane Hochman is the founder of The Home And Small Business Network, a worldwide organization committed to helping people build profitable and sustainable businesses. Diane has been a stay at home mom and marketer for…
Breakthrough–An instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity. For those of us who dive into personal development, such as listening to speakers such as E.T. The Hiphop Preacher, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Simon Sinek…..and many more, there is this term we tend to hear and use……A-HA Moment. Our product, ‘Climbing The Mindset Mountain’ has done exactly that, as others have had their breakthroughs to help them understand themselves in a deeper sense, or to even host their first webinar…..a fear which was hindering them for some time So what is such a moment? Tied to this term is the word which is a lil more common, and…