• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Reframe. Pivot. Keep Climbing.

    Reframe. Pivot. Keep Climbing. Are you questioning the direction of the path you are heading? How about after starting your hike, you run into individuals who have given up on their goal to reach the top…..and decided to turn around to head back down, because they remembered they had something else to do? Or are you going to postpone your journey because the person you began with decided they want to head back to the base of the mountain…..it didn’t mean enough to them to reach the top…..so what are you going to do? Personally, I have a full-time job (working at a saw mill working with customers, lifting heavy…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Climb Beyond Fear

    Climb Beyond Fear…. There are times that we are in our element…. And we are fearless! Nobody can knock us off the top because we are comfortable, confident, and in a place of being! But what about that thing we are wanting to venture in? That step beyond our circle of comfort is something we yearn to become a part of, but is also a place of discomfort…. What do we do? Some of us freeze up….. We are caught in quicksand…. We do our best to pump ourselves up…. But yet, nothing happens because our actions are idle. But what if…. Just what if…. You decided to do it…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast,  Personal Development


    The birth of a child….Moments You are now, man and wife….Moments Child’s first step….Moments Sunsets Full Moons Moments, Moments, Moments……. In today’s world, we are beginning to lose sight of what holds value of our lives. When all is said and done in our lives as we take our last breath, though we can leave behind things and money, which can be lost……are you leaving behind ‘moments’ in the lives of those we love and have influenced? The above picture is a ‘moment’ that my children and I created as we hiked Mt. Elden to spread their grandfather’s ashes….my dad’s ashes….a moment in our lives in which we celebrated the…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast,  Personal Development

    Podcast Possibilities

    A hike I’ve done many times over and have done for time (stopwatch) to challenge myself and even my kids, has now become a hike here in Flagstaff, AZ which has become the setting of personal development product……. And has now transitioned to the base of our new podcast….. The Mindset Mountain Podcast   (click and subscribe) Opportunities are everywhere if we choose to see them Opportunities for a blog post…… A video….. A book….. And now the podcast possibilities have risen from a simple hike on a hot summer’s day! CLIMBING THE MINDSET MOUNTAIN Our product above has already spread across the globe, as Jason and myself like to say…..…

  • Uncategorized

    Fight Fire With Fire!

    “Fight fire…..with fire”, not only was a motto to become aggressive with someone or an event….. This was a motto which proved true to the tactics and procedures in suppressing wildfires as a ‘Hotshot Crew’ Snot drips down the upper lip, as the watery eyes attempt to shield itself from the thickness of the smoke…..and ash falls upon the filters  of eyelashes A breath is inhaled through the nose to filter the heavy smoke, as the body attempts to intake as much available oxygen which resides in the surrounding air Helicopters are pounding the fires edge to attempt to slow the progression of the fire’s head as homes and livelihoods…