With Dignity…
With Dignity….. Lolly Galvin with the Dignity Project will leave your heart filled with warmth as you hear a bit of her story and what it is she does in helping the homeless! For those of us that have that yearning to do something in life…..to do something in the world to help others or even ourselves, Lolly’s actions prove to “just do it”!! To step out into the water and learn how to swim…. To help someone who needs a lil help…. To take action upon an idea, as it is an idea, Lolly shares on how to make it real! From creating a place on Amazon for you…
Invoking What Is Known
Invoking What Is Known! “From here on, you will be alone” said the alchemist. “Thank you…..You taught me the language of the World” said the boy. “I only invoked what you already knew”~~The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) When we distance ourselves from the external noise, as well as choosing to silence the internal chaos, we are able to find that which lies within. We find that we’ve blanketed the hurts, fears, and frights which have caused a tension in us for some time. We find that we aren’t living our truths. We find that we are no longer living in alignment with ourĀ purpose as we aim to be the mature ducks…
Loving And Cussing: Robert Thornton
Loving And Cussing: Robert Thornton There are some people in this world who cause you to fully look into yourself and answer the question……Am I doing enough? Well, after this episode, Robert Thornton has caused me to truthfully answer this question as I’ve looked in the mirror. To have an event and a campaign to raise money for a homeless couple to get them off of the streets by covering three months rent so they can simply have an address to put down on an application…..well, that’s service! Cloud Covered Streets To allow the creativity of those who are not gifted physically and artistically talented, but allowing the joy of…