• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Braveheart, Buddha and Success

    Braveheart, Buddha and success.  Does it take both types of personalities and perspectives in order to become a success in a complete and balanced way? This is the question that came up in my mind just yesterday as I was listening to The Tim Ferriss Show podcast.  Tim was interviewing Sebastian Junger, author of The Perfect Storm among other thought provoking tales. In fact, before I go on here is the link to that interview.  It is well worth the listen this weekend. http://fourhourworkweek.com/2016/05/22/sebastian-junger/ “Who would you die for? What ideas would you die for?” – Sebastian Junger As one point of the podcast, Sebastian Junger speak on how throughout history we…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Will it Crush You or Will it Change You?

    Will it Crush You or Will it Change You? That is the huge question that I ask and answer in this new Inspire the Fire episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast. Many times in our lives, we will be brought to our knees, feeling literally crushed by life. By circumstances, by events, by people in our lives. It is almost a guarantee that at some point life it will happen. It is in those crucial moments, those times of feeling there is no hope left, no options available and as if your soul has been crushed… that you can rise up. You can take your stand for who you truly…