The Rose Vs The Bouquet
The Rose Vs The Bouquet!
Are you only valuing the rose as part of the bouquet…..or can you value the rose by itself?
We tend to say “It’s about the little things in life that matter”…..yet we don’t show an appreciation for all that creates the bigger picture. I’m guilty of it at times, as well as others I know. It is part of us as humans.
So how do we learn to value a rose by itself?
How do we begin to value the process….or the little things?
Can you value the ten dollars you do have, rather than waiting for the millions to roll in before you begin valuing money?
Or how about your relationship….Is Valentine’s Day one day among the 365 days in the year for you to begin to value the ‘love’ in your life?
You see, I’m not trying to devalue the bouquet…..
I am simply sharing that the bouquet would not exist had it not been for each rose….
The world would be less than what it is….if it were not for your existence.
And next week, be sure to join Jason and myself as we share with you on a free webinar with our Co-Hosts, Brenda Gagne and Justin Glover!
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Now, to today’s episode!
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