Podcast Possibilities
A hike I’ve done many times over and have done for time (stopwatch) to challenge myself and even my kids, has now become a hike here in Flagstaff, AZ which has become the setting of personal development product…….
And has now transitioned to the base of our new podcast…..
The Mindset Mountain Podcast
Opportunities are everywhere if we choose to see them
Opportunities for a blog post……
A video…..
A book…..
And now the podcast possibilities have risen from a simple hike on a hot summer’s day!
Our product above has already spread across the globe, as Jason and myself like to say…..
From Arizona to Australia, we are going to create a trend which everybody can literally ‘climb their own mountain’!
Now you may be asking what our product and podcast is going to entail…..
Oh, and those wondering, as it may matter for some…..our podcast is free…..
Anyways, the base of what we are bringing are ways to push through your obstacles and lessons in changing your beliefs and attitudes in a way that will serve you in the best way possible
Our guests on our podcasts are bringing to you with transparency, part of their struggles in life…..
But not only are you going to hear about their struggles, you are going to hear the most important parts which took a ‘mindset’ of not giving up.
The beginning of our podcast includes a few individuals in which Jason and myself credit in inspiring us to stay on track with the dream.
From the above stories you will hear how one can go from foreclosure to financial freedom….
To giving up, and in one last ditch effort spending $1,000 for a one hour coaching session, to creating 6 figures in 3 months time……
To creating time to work on a business while raising three little girls and missing the spouse, just to cover the bills.
You see, we all have our own journeys and have been through some ‘stuff’.
Through our product, podcast, and even our free giveaway of tips to transition a stuck mindset to a belief in one’s self, we are here to help you make that shift in your attitudes to be the person you’re meant to be
Get our ‘free’ giveaway==> 5 TIPS
Click here to download our podcast episodes and to leave a review
And go get your own training of CLIMBING THE MINDSET MOUNTAIN
And most importan…..
Be Blessed
~~Eddie Aguilar
PS….Leave a comment wherever you see this post and share it with others, as someone you know may need it more than you think.