As co-creator of this blog site, one thing you may not realize, is that many of the photos I use are photos that I have taken myself.
And as you begin seeing my photos, one thing you will realize is that ‘I love silhouette shots’…….
I love black and whites…..
I love taking shots that trigger the minds to create various possibilities of what can be seen in the shots
In a world where many of us need to see everything in all it’s colors so nothing is left out….
We need to see life as what could be…..
Create our own versions of what can be….
Take the brush in hands…..
And create our own ‘masterpiece’ of this thing we call LIFE.
So why can’t this be you, in the above pic???? (btw-my business partner took this shot)
Get rid of the ‘fedora’…..(sorry Jason)
Throw on a ball cap and reverse it with the bill facing towards the back……
Or better yet ladies, envision yourself in a state of peace…..
Hair Down….
No make-up…..
Or how about envisioning someone special in the shot with you on the beach at a place of your choosing?
My booming business partner, Jason ‘J-Boom’ Legaard created an audio for a bonus along with our product, ‘Climbing The Mindset Mountain’, which triggers my mind when I think of ‘possibilities’ and the thought of dreaming….
And dreaming as we did when we were kids.
What happened to the thoughts of being a princess or superhero?
What happened to the thoughts of being an all-star athlete or veterinarian?
Living on a beach?
Living at Disneyland?
You see, when we are kids, we are vulnerable and the world is ours to create.
But as time passes, we begin guarding ourselves and when we do this, we guard ourselves from our dreams.
So take today to take the time to write down a list of possibilities….
Create your list of foolish thoughts…..
And begin taking the needed steps towards your foolish dreams, realizing you will only be a fool to not follow the path you were meant to travel……
And understand that the world needs you to not be a realist, as a realist recognizes all that can go wrong……
And the dreamer in you needs you to dream and act upon what can go right……
For fulfilling your dreams might be what is needed to change the world……
Or even the world of one life!
PS…. Follow more of our ‘stuff’ on FB==>