Breakthrough–An instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity.
For those of us who dive into personal development, such as listening to speakers such as E.T. The Hiphop Preacher, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Simon Sinek…..and many more, there is this term we tend to hear and use……A-HA Moment.
Our product, ‘Climbing The Mindset Mountain’ has done exactly that, as others have had their breakthroughs to help them understand themselves in a deeper sense, or to even host their first webinar…..a fear which was hindering them for some time
So what is such a moment?
Tied to this term is the word which is a lil more common, and that is having a moment, or a BREAKTHROUGH!
A breakthrough can happen when reading a book, or watching and listening to an inspirational video on youtube
A breakthrough will hit you in that moment of silence when you wake in the morning as you sit in silence, with no noise or distraction being present as your mind is clear and free of clutter.
When this happens, we breakthrough the barriers which are holding us back from going to the next level….
A breakthrough sheds light upon the darkness or dim lighting in our lives.
It’s that time when you hear of someone having a breakthrough…..and quitting their jobs and writing a book, no matter the struggle they are about to face. But in doing so, even during the struggle, an individual has a purpose.
A breakthrough is that time where a student finally get an equation in their math class….
It’s that time when a man or woman finally realizes the person that has been in their everyday life, is actually the person that is meant to be held close, for the rest of their lives
A breakthrough is the releasing of the chains of an abusive relationship….
The realization that at times, selfishness is necessary at times, for you are no good to anyone, if you are not good to yourself first.
Quit Reaching For Crumbs, When There Is A Cake In Front Of You!~~Sade Burrel
Here is an inspirational video of a powerful speech I have saved on my youtube channel for personal reasons which bring light to the above quote, as we find ourselves at times trying to make something grow when it’s not the season for it==> Sade Burrel
Jason and I always say at the end of our podcast episodes, or even at the end of our posts or emails…..“It’s Your Time To Climb”
We say this for one reason……because it is~~“Your Time To Climb”
But if you don’t believe it, then it won’t happen…..
If you don’t believe that you aren’t worthy of a happy life….then when will you ever see and feel this for you and your loved ones?
We, as individuals truly have to believe and see that we have more to offer the world, and that we do so by leveling up
We do so by becoming someone we are not, but who we are meant to be
That time comes when we decide to FIGHT for something greater in any or all aspects of your life
That time comes when ‘you choose’ to let go of your ego, and begin shifting your ‘mindset’ of your everyday thinking and begin reacting differently to scenarios or events in your life which have set you back in the past…..
But now you take what life gives, and you give back to yourself, as well as give to others, not because others say you have to
But because you know that scarcity is a state of mind which hinders you from greatness
You have the key…..
It is time to open that door which you know you’re meant to walk through….
Or it’s simply time to exert with full force, an energy which will pierce through the walls which stand before you, thus allowing light to shine upon you
It is your time……
To Breakthrough!!