“This is why I GRIND, This is why I WORK, This is why I HUSTLE.”
ET The Hip Hop Preacher
When will it ever be your time?! When will you step up and stare right back at yourself in the mirror and say…I OWE YOU!!! It’s time to pay yourself!
Sometimes you come across a book, an article, an image or a video that hits you right at the exact moment it needs to smack you. Eddie and I call these “divine appointments.” Well…one such video made an appointment with me today and I had to share it’s intense message, passion and gut check wisdom.
It’s a video from Eric Thomas, also known as ET The Hip Hop Preacher. He is one of the top motivational speakers in the world. He is known for his high intensity and no holds barred approach to his messages. This video below is just such a message. It hits you like a sucker punch of success and knocks all the wind out of your excuses and bullshit. This video at times may be hard to watch…ET calls us out on many reasons why we blame, why we quit, why we say 50% is good enough. But if you take in all of this video, I guarantee you will be ready to conquer your mindset mountain like never before.
I received an insane amount of value from this speech. I know you will too. And when it’s over I want you to go to the mirror, stare yourself down hard and scream I OWE YOU!!!
Then let’s all go out and create what we were put on this planet to do.
It’s time to pay yourself for the gift God gave you by sharing it with all of your heart.
All of your passion, your desire, your intensity, your focus, your joy, your service and your soul.
Pay yourself for what you are here to give. That way every damn day you will lead others to create their own abundance and THAT is HOW WE BUILD A LEGACY!
Jason “J-Boom” Legaard