Always Remember The Mentors Who Had Your Back Jack…or Jill.
A mentor. Having one in your life is easily one of the greatest blessings you can receive while walking your unique path. As you move along on your journey, hopefully you will learn from many mentors. But today…I want you to think on those who were a mentor to you…and give supreme thanks.
You see…they invested time and effort into helping you discover something deeper about yourself. You might have never seen that powerful ability, that skill set or that knowledge within if that mentor had not pointed your vision in that direction. Many times we wander and drift never truly seeing who we are and what we are capable of in this world. A mentor can help to provide that revelation for you.
I mean think of one of the all time greatest mentors of ALL TIME…Yoda! (Yep…Yoda folks. His wisdom spans the ages. And yet I know he was a puppet and his wisdom was from a movie screenplay…but that’s not important lol)
When Luke Skywalker visited Dagobah to seek out the training from Yoda…he initially felt that Yoda would simply provide answers. But this was not the case…and of course this greatly frustrated Luke. (Ever felt frustrated working with a mentor that didn’t just put it on a silver platter for you? Yup I know you have and so have I.)
No…Yoda was simply there to push, to prod, to inspire, to challenge and allow Luke to reveal his own wisdom that was buried within. The power, The Force, was ALWAYS within Luke…he simply was either ignoring it or simply unaware. Yoda, his mentor, simply opened a path of belief. It was then up to Luke to actually walk down it.
How many times have you been working hard, pushing yourself, learning, growing and failing? The whole time with a Yoda on your back sharing lessons of faith and encouragement. A true mentor blesses us with just such a gift. But the mentor is not there to carry the burden for us.
Ultimately, we as the student, the seeker must face the challenge. The mentor can only prepare us by sharing their insight into ourselves. What we do with those lessons…is our responsibility.
So please take a few moments and think on all of the mentors in your life. Some may have been from books or audio trainings. Some may have spoken to you from a stage at an event. You may have been blessed with mentors who became close friends, those you work with in person. No matter how a mentor has impacted you…spend a few moments and express your gratitude.
For they had your back Jack and Jill.
They saw in you something that could serve the world a greater good.
Thank them for their belief in you…even before you had it in yourself.
And of course, to quote the Master Yoda.
“Already know you that which you need”
Mentorship at its Jedi finest.
Gratitude is the Attitude that gives our dreams Altitude!!!
Please share in the comments your gratitude for one of your mentors. Give them a shout out!
And if you are looking to hear from all different types of mentors, make sure and subscribe to The Mindset Mountain Podcast and gain new mentorship each week.
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