Fight Fire With Fire!
“Fight fire…..with fire”, not only was a motto to become aggressive with someone or an event…..
This was a motto which proved true to the tactics and procedures in suppressing wildfires as a ‘Hotshot Crew’
Snot drips down the upper lip, as the watery eyes attempt to shield itself from the thickness of the smoke…..and ash falls upon the filters of eyelashes
A breath is inhaled through the nose to filter the heavy smoke, as the body attempts to intake as much available oxygen which resides in the surrounding air
Helicopters are pounding the fires edge to attempt to slow the progression of the fire’s head as homes and livelihoods rest in the path before it
Chaos surrounds the air as home owners are being evacuated due to the danger which will soon arrive upon their being, as well as all that lies in their homes
Atlanta, Idaho is a place where I will always remember……
This incident, or wildfire pictured above not only threatened the homes of this small town nested in the woods of Idaho……
It threatened the lives of those who lived in this small community, as well as those who were present to redirect the direction of fires wrath and momentum
In life, there are times where you have to go against the grain….
In life, there are times where you will have to have the confidence in yourself or those in your circle, in which extreme measures are taken to achieve a mission
Above the ‘crew haul’ pictured, (Green Hotshot Vehicle), rests several homes between the fire’s edge and the valley in which the vehicles reside
Those in charge wanted no one to head up the hill to inspect the surroundings and distance of the fire’s edge
To a point, this is totally understandable,
We were ‘Hotshots’…..
This was our life
We worked great as a crew, or split up into units or squads, as we called them
But this was a time where we knew what to do, or at least make an attempt to do what it was that we were trained to do
As the fire neared the homes, myself and the superintendent hiked towards the fire’s edge to evaluate the surroundings
We hiked up there with several ‘lookouts’ keeping an eye on our backs for needed protection
And yes, we did it against the will of those in charge of the fire!!
As we scoped out the situation, we quickly formulated a possible plan
A plan which would cause us to be aggressive in our attempts to slow down the head of the fire, as well as protect the homes of individuals we would never come to know….
In your life there are certain things you are meant to do…..
And yes, some of these things cause you to put yourself out there
There’s the fear of criticism….
Fear of Failure…..
Fear of Judgement……
But as Les Brown says…..”God gave it to you! It’s not for others to understand!”
Though your family and friends may try to persuade you otherwise for the right reasons, they may not understand what you are meant to do
And because of this, there are times where you ‘know’ your talents and expertise surpass those above you
There are times in life where you will have to confidently step-up and take hold of what it is you’re meant to do in life
And yes, there will be times where there is no easing into it….and when the time hits…….
The Time Is NOW!!!
In Atlanta, ID, once we formulated a plan, we relayed it to those in charge…..
“Be pissed at us later if you’d like, but for now…..let’s get this done”
Our day began that morning with expectations of ‘having no complete and set expectations’, which was part of the job
We had to think and react quick
We had to make life-threatening decisions in short amounts of time, in consideration for our crew, surrounding crews, property, and public lives
And on this day, we became the crew which directed the operations into the night and the following morning…..
We took our expertise and our capabilities and took the opportunity to protect every single home in this wooded area filled with homes of individuals we would never meet
Now you may be asking what this has to do with you……
Well, if you openly look, there is always a way to tie one scenario of life, into another aspect of life
There are ‘lessons’ all around us, the question is whether we’re open to hear them or see them, as well as address and learn from the lessons provided.
Fact is, I can guarantee you have enough, if not more than enough capabilities to get started on creating the life you are meant to live
When there are those telling you “NO”……
As your heart is whispering “YES”…..
It all comes down to a choice!
That choice begins with what lies deep in your heart, but most important is the talk that is going on within
Are you not not putting yourself out there for fear of judgement, failure, or criticism from those you love?
Or are you waiting for the stars to align to begin motion which will propel you into greatness?
No matter the case, the fact is you are cemented into your yesterday
You are standing in quicksand, attempting to stay calm, as fear of any movement will cause you to sink into the depths of what lies below your feet
No Action in this sense, is worse than having taken action to save yourself.
At least if you are taking action, you know in your mind or heart there is a greater chance for success than staying idle and still, rather than sinking into the depths of that which we fear the most….
And that fear is having to leave this world with REGRET
A regret for not having taken a chance in love
A regret for not having given a helping hand when yours was needed
A regret for not reaching for the stars by starting your own business or following a passion which caused your heart to ache as ‘wishes of’ filled your heart
When you are focused and dialed in with your thoughts and the inner talk, all that surrounds the path of journey becomes blurred
As in the above pic, there is beauty of all that is seen….
The budding of the pine-cone….
The blurred green which precedes the blueness of the sky……
As your eyes are taken to the centerpiece of your destination
As a ‘Hotshot’ fights fire with fire…..
It is time for you to do the same
That inner talk which is your set of beliefs or attitudes, otherwise known as you mindset…..
When that inner talk is talk of negativity…..
It is time you battle that with strengthening your ‘mindset’
How you talk to yourself is of great importance
How you rid that negative which resides within is what prohibits you from achieving your dreams, rather than serving your purpose
It is for this reason, Jason ‘J-Boom’ Legaard and myself had created our product……
“Climbing the Mindset Mountain”
Rather than tell you all about it, I want to give you the opportunity to take a look at what this amazing personal development product and the two bonuses have to offer you.
The question you have to ask yourself is this……
“If I keep doing today as you did yesterday, and getting the unwanted results……are you ever going to make the change to achieve the results which you desire?”
The answer usually is in the minor shifts of your thinking…..
Trust us, both of us had to let go of our ego, to create the desired outcome which seemed so far away, never getting any closer.
So take advantage of being one of the first to truly dive into this rare training created on a hike upon Mt. Elden, in Flagstaff, Arizona
And since you’ve made it this far into the message, you obviously value yourself enough to engulf yourself into a story of possibly creating your future of desire
And for the many who haven’t made it this far as they had to get back to scrolling down posts on Twitter, FB, or Instagram….
You obviously find value in feeding your mind
So, click below to begin in taking the opportunity to dive deeper into yourself through this training which has already caused a friend to hike her own…….
Be blessed on this day!
~~Eddie Aguilar