Reducing Minor Stresses Which Have Major Impacts…..Decisions
Tim Ferris speaks in his podcast episode with Tony Robbins about Tony’s newest book…..”Choosing not to invest, is a decision in investing”
What should I wear today?
Should I workout this morning, this afternoon, or do I ever want to workout?
What should I eat?
Is this person the one meant for me?
Is there a way to minimize some of the minute stresses in your life to make your days easier and more rewarding?
Well, I see it like this……
Place a glass beneath a faucet that drips slowly, but continuously
In the beginning, each drop seems very minute, right?
In the beginning, we look at the glass with thoughts of this is going to take forever to fill this glass, right?
Truth is, no matter how small a drop of water may seem insignificant when our glass is full, we should realize that in the whole scheme of the filling of the glass…..or in our lives, that eventually things will compound and each drop of water holds an importance
Pretty elementary, right?
But no matter what, if there is consistency…..the glass will eventually reach full capacity and begin to overflow.
But why is it that we don’t implement this concept into our lives?
Why don’t I plan my meals for the week on Sundays?
Why don’t I schedule when I will work on my business and when I will rest?
Why don’t I say ‘no’ to the unnecessary options that will arise during my day that if I choose what will not serve me or my goals?
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…….
By minimizing some of the decision making processes in your life, you are using that energy for the greater things in your life.
And to worry about failing at each and every thing in your life should begin sounding absurd, as all you may doing is making a choice to figure out what works and what doesn’t that will help you to live a fulfilled life……
As your decisions are the beginning of ‘action’ steps’ in your daily life, and most important, where will your energy be when your glass reaches it’s fullest capacity?
Will those drops of water have been bits of energy exerted towards having lived your life……rather than having just to exist?
Jason and myself had created a lil report of tips to begin implementing as action steps in your life to ‘shift’ your daily thinking, which in turn will help you find motivation to recognizing the importance of your decision making processes in your life…..
Get them free==> Shifting Secrets
So here is a question for you…..
Will this decision to get these secrets, benefit you or not in the whole scheme of your life?
Well, only you can answer this…..Ha Ha!
Either way, you are making a decision, whether taking action or not…..
As simple as this post may be, and being more informative than inspirational, there are times in our lives when information is most important……for being inspired is great and all, but no action following inspiration is like having a glass to be filled, but no place to fill it to it’s fullest capacity.
So take a bit of time today, and eliminate the stresses of decisions which take energy away from the overall goals of your life…..
And use it to make important decisions that will fill your glass with abundance.
Be Blessed