Well, yesterday was that day off….that many didn’t have off
It was a day where many individuals woke to a dissatisfaction….they had to go to work!
Was this you….or were you able to take the 3 day weekend to yourself, or with your friends and family?
I know several individuals who worked…but they worked on their businesses, their opportunities, and their future.
Their destinations in all aspects of their life are set…..their visions have been created
When you have a goal set before you to reach….a vision of destinations you want to reach…..the labors put forth are not seen as such…..one is building a future, rather than trudging through the daily grind just to receive a paycheck with it’s only purpose is just to make it to another day.
Or how about the relationships you have?
Are you putting work into them as well…..nurturing them?
Giving life to them?…..and if not, why?
And there’s this thing called HEALTH……
Without taking care of your physical well-being, all the other issues in your world will soon become non-existent.
You see, that worth achieving, no matter what areas of your life needing attention…..work will need to be put in
You will need to put in the work to change your habits…..your lifestyle….and major efforts are needed to be put forth….
But here lies the question…..“Can you deal with the pains or discomforts needed to be experienced to aid you in the life you are seeking?”
I wanted to add all these inspiring quotes…..
Fancy pics to motivate you….
Some sort of inspiration to trigger that needed shift to begin this day…or end this night…..with the thoughts and determination of living for you, then to live for sharing your gifts with the world (your home, your community, your circle of influence)……..
This is where you need to reach within…..
You need to find the answers, by asking the right questions…..
You need to create motion, to improve the emotion…..
And you need to realize that with is worth achieving, will come at a cost, and that cost will be needed in growth.
The cost may mean you cut back on sodas and energy drinks….
The cost may mean you separate yourself from those who are holding you back….
And sheesh, the cost may mean you learn to open up a book and read.
If what you’ve been doing hasn’t gotten you to the place you’ve so desired to be, well guess what…..it’s time to change what you’re doing…..
And for the flipside of those of you who are achieving high results….are you sharing your action steps, your troubles and successes with others…..because if not, then you need to take it one step further and share with others the gift you have to give.
They need to divulge themselves in what you have to offer.
This post may seem off the cuff…..
But it is only such, if you aren’t willing to open your mind to a different thinking….taking a suggestion as to how to think differently…..or realizing that while you may feel you are struggling…..you do have ‘wins’ to reflect upon.
Remember…..that person who was well overweight that decided to begin changing up their diet and begin working out shouldn’t be seen as weak…..that person is stronger than shit, for they took a stand for something greater than what they were before that moment of decision
Just as that one who walked away from an abusive relationship walked away, not from weakness….but had strength enough to say “I AM WORTH SO MUCH MORE”
So today is yours…..
The question you need to answer…..and will answer…..
What AM I going to do today that will allow me become the person I’m meant to be?
All I can say…..
“It’s Your Time To Climb”
Be Blessed!!