Getting Into The Game
Getting Into The Game
Have you ever found yourself with that nagging feeling inside of wishing you could just get into the game?
What game, you may be asking?
How about the games of life…..
Health and Fitness?
Starting your own business?
Requesting a raise?
And the list goes on and on with the wants and needs in your life.
I first read in a book written by Jack Canfield about two pains which many of us encounter…..but one usually will override the other as life continues on in this world….
The Pain of Regret vs The Pain of Discipline…..
If tomorrow were to be your last day in this amazing world, how much would you have regret for?
To have loved more and let go of past hurts?
To have started your own business?
To have never started the bad habits of smoking or unhealthy eating?
To have never danced for fear of being laughed at?
And the list goes on and on……
Well now, it’s time to change that…..as tomorrow is not written in the books of our lives.
Discipline is related towards a negative aspect of life.
We’ve learned this from the time we were kids, right?
Well, no more…..
Discipline means to have control over your thoughts and emotions
Discipline means to have control over your actions and responses to what we encounter in life
Discipline means to have a value for one’s self that other’s thoughts and ideas will not persuade us to follow their footsteps, if following their steps will not serve our individual purpose.
What I’ve explained so far is covered in our product…..
What would it be worth to you to have training and tips to help you overcome the pains which cause you to lose sleep at night?
What would it be worth to you to have training and tips to help you overcome the fear of experiencing a ‘pain of regret’ when your time has come for you to move on from this life?
Well, this is something I can’t answer for you…..
I can’t tell you to ‘get into the game’……
Some of you are already doing so, which is ‘sweet’ to know……if this is you.
But if it isn’t,
It’s time you you begin getting into the game so you can enjoy the life you are meant to live!
So click below to begin taking the steps to enjoy the gift you’ve been given…..