Unseen Journeys
“The mind is like a phantom that lives only in the past or future. It’s only power over you is to draw your attention out of the present” Dan Millman~~’Way of the Peaceful Warrior’
In living in the past or future, it is not being in the present that our lives stay the same….life stays stagnate….shifts are not created, for we are caught up in what is or what was, rather than what can be as a result of taking proper action.
“I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed. I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live–that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.” Dan Millman~~’Way of the Peaceful Warrior’
As you’ve just read the above…..does it hit home?
It has for me, as I’ve experienced the same in my life.
With life, we come across struggles.
We lose loved ones.
We doubt our worth.
We’ve allowed failure in pursuing our dreams to strike a fear in us from the heartbreak, as we build walls around ourselves to stay safe and protected from the uncomfortable pains we’ve experienced in life.
Now what if I had told you the pic above is of a beautiful woman who once doubted herself due to events that transpired in her life…….and the beauty she represents is a result of an unseen journey of having shed 47 pounds and finding a personal happiness in what she eats, exercising in her own living room, and the trails which she hikes….which has now positively influenced those in her life…..
Or what if these words you are reading at this exact moment are being written by a man who once doubted his life and worth to a point where he had almost left this world by choosing to end it himself…..
You see, we all have stories!
We all have unseen journeys!!
Are you struggling with something major in your life right now……
Low Self-Esteem?
Loss of a loved one?
Or any other part of your life which is bringing an uncomfortable pain?
I’m not going to tell you that life is full of ‘rainbows and roses’, but……
Nowhere is it written that you are destined to never smell the sweet scent of a rose…..
Or reach a state of warm fuzzies brought to you by what you visually see in your world…..
Nor will you ever be denied the opportunity to hear the soothing sounds of a melodic tune.
In reaching out, we are able to release from within the struggles we face
Who we reach out to, is important, for if we reach out to someone who hasn’t faced similar struggles or is held in the ruts of their own lives, how is it are they able to help us if they are unable to help themselves?
In writing down our hurts and negative emotions, one is able to release from within that which causes heartache and an internal struggle.
By diving into a book or watching training videos, one is able to take themselves out of the moment, to a place of possibilities.
When the mind and heart release that which is, and begin creating in the moments what can be……
It is then our unseen journeys can become revealed for others to follow as you’ve created a map to guide others from a life of existence.….
To a life of purpose!
PS…..If it is some tips on shifting your attitudes and beliefs that are needed to assist in creating a change in your thinking and how you react to life, Jason and myself created a small free list to aid in shifting this process…..
To get your free tips…CLICK HERE==> 5 TIPS

Love this post Eddie. Thank you.
Sandy Armstrong
Great article. Awesome website.