• Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Productivity Hack: Sprints and Marathons

    Productivity Hack.  Should you do sprints or marathons?  The answer…BOTH. Huh? Yup…this is another example of how the balance of yin and yang are the foundation to so many areas of our lives.  Especially for those of you working towards a goal of being online entrepreneurs.  So what is this productivity hack?  Here ya go. When it comes to being effective, efficient and productive in pursuing your goals….the way to win is to combine sprints with marathon mentality. In this episode of The Mindset Mountain Podcast, I get Tactical for Tuesday again and break it down how to do the combo.  You see many of us, (Eddie and myself included)…

  • Mindset Mountain Podcast

    Trouble with the Curve: Mindset Hack to Hit Your Goals

    Whoaaaaa!  Man…is that ball gonna smack me right up my head? What do I do?  I’m freaking out!  Do I stay in the batter’s box and take a swing or back out? I might be talking about baseball in the above paragraph, but this also can apply to your everyday life as well.  For there are going to be certain days when life throws you a curveball.  The question will be…can you show the patience, the power of mindset to still hit it out of the park? In this episode of the Mindset Mountain Podcast, I share a personal story from just yesterday that caused me to apply this mindset…